LPS stands for Large Polyp Stony. The obvious difference between SPS and LPS corals is that LPS polyps are larger.

LPS corals are a little less demanding than their smaller cousins in relation to water parameters, but both have the following in common:

  • SPS and LPS corals have a hard skeleton.
  • SPS and LPS corals are both ‘reef-building’ corals (coral reefs are mostly made up of coral skeletons).
  • They require the supply of consumables such as carbonates (kH), calcium (CA) and magnesium (Mg).

SPS and LPS corals may be collectively referred to as ‘hard’ corals to differentiate them from soft corals.


Reef by Adenbrant LPS corals

  • Add color to your aquarium.
  • Contribute to a varied environment as they grow in different forms.
  • Contribute to movement in the water as they inflate and move in the water current.
  • They can be fed for increased growth but there is no need as all our lps are photosynthetic and produces their own food through the light source provided over the aquarium.
  • Easy-to-moderate maintenance in order for them to be kept healthy and vibrant.

If you are unsure whether our LPS corals fit in your aquarium, contact us for a specific review of your aquarium and the coral’s specific needs.

Original price was: kr 850.Current price is: kr 595. (inkl. mva)
Original price was: kr 799.Current price is: kr 525. (inkl. mva)
Original price was: kr 85.Current price is: kr 80. (inkl. mva)
Original price was: kr 850.Current price is: kr 595. (inkl. mva)